The title seems to be confusing, but it is not. The goal of this blog is to make it clear to educators and parents what the author meant by “supporting homosexuals” without contradicting Roman Catholic teachings.

According to W. Struthers [ref 1], humans especially men are “wired for intimacy” . Attraction to opposite sex is normal or natural but attraction to the same sex is a disorder and considered unnatural.  In fact, “even those who experience normal sexual attraction towards the opposite sex experience sexual disorders. They feel tempted to commit acts of adultery, fornication, etc. Temptations to adultery and fornication are not sins. Feeling is not the same as consent. Because of original sin, everyone must struggle overcome unhealthy sexual desires. However, in the case of those who feel same-sex attraction, the struggle presents an additional difficulty” [ref 2]. In other words, if someone experience sexual attraction to those of the same sex, that someone must understand that “feeling is not in itself a sin, it is a disorder” [ref 2]. It can be corrected, but it will take an effort to live chastity – over and above the usual effort others must make. This is exactly the reason why we must support them in their temporal endeavor such as in education.

You probably know homosexuals who are successful as police officers, hairdressers, lawyers, doctors, and priests, etc. – they all have those “disordered feelings” but with the grace of God and “support” from their family, relatives, colleagues and friends, they could and should live a holy life. Easy said than done because at times people with disorders usually do not see their condition as a disorder. “After experiencing strong feelings of same-sex attraction for years, the attraction can feel as if it were normal. If someone, have it, he or she will only be able to correct it by being humble enough to admit that feelings of same-sex attraction go against nature – even when it feels natural to him or her” [ref 2].

I believe that support must start at early age to able to correct that disorder. The support can be in the form of one-on-one discussion or group organized seminars conducted by competent individuals regarding Roman Catholic Faith and Morals. Otherwise, this disorder will get worse when that someone developed the bad habit of engaging in homosexual acts which are considered grave sins. St. Paul calls homosexual acts “unnatural practices”: Romans 1:26-27.

For those who are in this situation, I am strongly convinced that it is not too late to change and to continue to struggle. God through Jesus Christ instituted all the means to fight this disorder. God the Son taught us how to pray and He instituted the sacraments of reconciliation as well as holy communion***, among others, to help us go through life struggles by giving us “Grace from the Holy Spirit”.  Moreover, there are institutions which are giving formation to help the laity how to live a holy life in the middle of the world. I believe that we all have the responsibility and possibility to support these people with “disorder” through education, praying for them and giving good examples.

To bring this blog to the end, let us go through Virgin Mother of Jesus, Mary our heavenly Mother, Mother of Good Counsel, most chaste and pure as well as Queen of Confessors to help us in supporting people with this disorder.

***Provided that the person is in full communion with The Roman Catholic Church, that is, baptized and confirmed.

Reference 1
Struthers, W. “WIRED FOR INTIMACY, How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain”, InterVarsity Press, 2009, US

Reference 2
Babendreier, J. “THE FAITH EXPLAINED TODAY”, Scepter Publishers Kenya Ltd., 2009, Nairobi Kenya

6 Replies to “Supporting Homosexuals in their Education According to Catholic Faith and Morals”

  1. Thank you for sharing this. Your article clearly validates the teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuals: to love the sinner and hate the sin. All of us have disordered tendencies but it remains in the relm of feelings only and will not be considered a sin for as long as we do not give in to those internal temptations. You are right in supporting homosexuals “through education, praying for them and giving good examples”.

  2. You explained it so well Louie … not just based on opinion but on sound teachings of the Catholic Church. The way to help those with this problem is not to build walls or to antagonize them but to reach them out with understanding and charity, with prayers

  3. From anonymous reader:
    I think all of us are created differently.
    Some have propensity to be holy .. as I have read, many saints have that attraction to God, even at an early age.

    Some have tendency to violence and hurting others, like some kids already show liking to hurt animals at an early age.

    I guess same goes for homosexuals, who, at an early age, are already feeling different from others .. and are attracted to the same gender as they are.

    Is it chemical imbalance?
    Like I heard that the hormones put in lipstick worn by a pregnant woman can affect the chemical make up of a developing fetus in her womb.

    I guess these oddities are called disorders or out of the norm.

    What would Jesus say about them ?
    I guess He will accept them as long as they are contrite, confess, and try not to have the same disorderly thoughts and behavior.

    I tend to think .. God made homosexuals that way.
    That it is their nature.
    It is not a sin.
    Just bc they are in the minority, means they are wrong?
    Right is right and wrong is wrong.
    The Nazis were not a minority in 1939 Germany .. yet, they are wrong.

    One example the bible tells us is Mary Magdalen.
    She was a minority (a prostitute).
    It was said that several demons were cast away from her.
    I guess those demons led her to prostitution.
    Then she was changed after hearing Jesus preaching, felt contrition and we know the rest if her story.

    So, in conclusion .. I agree with Louie in his blog.

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